Vegetables (yam, yam)

There may be sold at retail in the shop recently, and is marketed as a bargain yam yam is without being cut. It can be used for various applications or boiled in soy sauce, and grated or, very hard and I'm trying to use up one whole. Did you know that at such time, freezing is possible using the method in the yam and yam. We will focus on food yam, yam, will aim at the clever housewife using methods well mastered more.

<How to save> Frozen
Yam yam will strike down the vinegar soaked in water and then peel peeler, etc., and then wipe off the moisture firmly in the paper, such as cooking. Packed in a freezer pack a bag-shaped, yam grated Sul It would be nice if frozen, it is very convenient because you can use only the amount needed by putting in the freezer pack small when working this padding. In addition, when the frozen storage period by around three weeks, use can be used in a fairly short time if thawed under running water per bag frozen or thawed at room temperature.

Because they get a lot of water yam yam is frozen and the rub down, is not suitable for freezing. For this reason, I recommend that the frozen shredded or sliced ​​in such a way that at the time of freezing. Once peeled, wiped the water exposed to vinegar water, we shall be frozen rose side by side so as not to overlap on top of the tray minus the wrap cut to use this, respectively. Then transferred to the freezer again, etc. Sort yam frozen freezer packs. I found useful to retrieve and use the amount necessary to keep that way. In addition, when the frozen storage period by around three weeks, will be used to thaw naturally at room temperature. If you want to use if you are in a hurry, you will be able to use in a shorter time than natural thawing water to avoid getting tied plastic bag, frozen foods, if allowed to thaw under running water.